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Software functions are tautologies.

As soon as Project characteristics have been specified in the Project Database the belonging functions are implicitly known. The Project database picture the input data and the functions as well. A function is an derivation, the function itself is a tautology


6.125 The logic rules, mathematical formulas,  physical axiom’s are analytic theorems which “learn nothing”, they are tautologies.

6.1261 In logic process and result are equivalent.


Tables and Relations are necessary and sufficient to picture logically the Project ideas in a relational database. Project functions are Project Database dependent.


The Project Database is the fundament (blueprint) and is the interface to software applications. Errors, exceptions, enhancements, etc will affect the Project Database on a regular basis during the Project life time.


 Euclides, Kant, Newton, Boole,  Medelejev, Linnaeus, Darwin, Shannon,  Peano, Mach, Russell, Gödel, Frege,  Hilbert, Einstein, Wittgenstein,

 Dijkstra, Codd, Date, ….

 Nasa, IBM, AT&T, HP, Xerox,…

 Google, Apple, MicroSoft, .....

Relational Database (extern)

   1.    Entities

   2.   Tables, Attributes

   3.   Normal Forms  

   4.   Relations 1:1, 1:N, N:M

   5.   Database schema








Analytic philosophers  



  decompose logic into understandable coherent axioms.


2.012 In logic nothing is accidental: if a thing can occur in a connection, the possibility of the connection must be written into the thing itself

RDBMS functions (intern)   

   1. Input          Forms  

   2. View           Data Dictionary,  SQL

   3. Control       Data -Integrity, -Consistency

            Database schema  

  Tables, attributes and relations are shown   schematic by the database schema (see menu   item : Example)

   The schema shows not only all the entities,    attributes and relations, but the schema is    further a model  to check whether the project    features and views can be logically derived from    the database itself.

   Logically means:  Is it conceivable apart from    any application that the Project  Database”    should be adapted for a particular feature or    not?

for example

and others